Saturday, October 4, 2008


So tomorrow I head North to the spectacular faraway country of....Idaho!  Huzzah Potatoes! 

Actually, I really am excited.  We're going up to visit my father which doesn't happen often because gas is so expensive.  It will be a short trip but a good trip.

I'm looking forward to the drive too.  I find being behind the wheel quite comfortable, not in a physical sense but in a ...different sense.  I don't know what word I'm looking for but I enjoy the hours and the miles more when I am driving.

You know what I hate?  OSHA.  I did finish carpentry one summer with my uncle, and even though I was awful I enjoyed it.  So I decided this year I was going to take the Woodshop class at school...
I've used every tool in there a million times, and yet I have to learn the "proper procedure" for each one of them.  "Curl your fingers under when using the planer."  "Always wear your safety glasses when applying wood glue."  "Don't turn the machine on until the Instructor has approved your set up."  "No, don't place your hand there, hold it like this instead"  "Don't stand over there, this 12-inch board might slip and impale you."  And on and on and on...
I'm okay with rules --actually that's not true, I hate them, but I understand why most of them exist.  I understand that the teacher has a lot of morons in his class that need to be protected from their own stupidity.
What I don't understand is why teachers refuse to recognize smart kids.  Just normal kids with common sense.  If my woodshop teacher would do that I could already be finished with several projects.  But no, I'm a minor.  My opinion doesn't count.  I don't know what I'm talking about.  I don't know where I'm going in life.  I don't know what I'm doing.  I'm not allowed to make my own plans without my mommy giving permission.  I'm not allowed to decide for myself whether something is wasting my time or not.  And I'm certainly not allowed to cut a little stick without ALL of the guards down, my safety goggles on, a thirty foot perimeter, a kevlar vest, at least two supervisors, and following the "proper procedure".

Maybe I'm making no sense.  It is quite late and I have to drive tomorrow morning.  G'night.


A said...

driving does the same thing to me as staying up late.
things go soft.

oddly enough, I was just doing some therapeutic driving last night, and I saw...EVAN. Weird, crazy-random-happenstance.

Have fun in IDAHO!

A said...

AH! Logan! I JUST barely got your message on my phone. My mom took it away when I had an argument with my sister!
I'm so sorry! You must think I'm the biggest jerk ever!
And no, talking on the phone isn't weird at all. I was actually really happy and touched to get your message.
Sorry, again. I hope you have a ball in Idaho! Talk to you when you get back.

Kimberly said...

Logan! I love that you love to drive! Because I don't like to drive. I'm sorry about woodshop. And I'm sorry that people tell you that you can't do things because you're a minor. Don't worry--a new season is coming in your life when you get to buy dry ice AND pay your own bills! Woot woot! Are you allowed after-school access to the tools and such?