Monday, November 24, 2008

midnight bulletin

Two things tonight:

First:  You ought to check out the blog of Rex Vallis now and again.  I have a high respect for his opinions and views on various subjects, and he is one of the most well-read men I know.

Second:  Today I asked Sarah Lynne on a date.  I should have asked her a long time ago --years ago, actually.  But I'm a loser and I didn't until today.  
But I'm actually very excited to take her on a date!  I don't know what we are doing yet (Li'l Bop and some other guys have planned that), but it doesn't matter because I'm sure it will be all be fun.

...okay, a Third:  Last year during Choir Dinner a little bird flew to me and Li'l Bop and told us, "Ever since your ninth grade year we knew that you two would be the M.C.'s for Choir Dinner as seniors!"
Well, a year has past and Choir Dinner is fast approaching.  We are finally able to tell people that we will be narrating the event.  We are both excited and stressed for time.
Now you have to realize, the Bop Brothers are professionals.  They know exactly what they are doing.  Even when the Bops are winging it they do the job right.
Crockett, however, has some goofy ideas about how we should run the show.  She has given us an awful script and a deranged order of songs.  She fails to realize that the Bops are professionals.  We will be doing things our way, and she will actually enjoy it.

Needless to say, we are rewriting the script.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"BECAUSE IT IS MY NAME!"--John Proctor

I went to see The Crucible tonight with a very pretty date.  She had never seen it before so of course we had to attend a performance!  There is no other play so intense, so riveting, or so moving as The Crucible.  Needless to say, I was very glad when the cast delivered a marvelous performance.  I love it not only for entertainment value but also for its amazingly powerful themes.

Ah!  It sends shivers up my spine just thinking about it!

*If you haven't yet seen a quality production of The Crucible I strongly suggest that you attend a performance at the Playhouse Under the Library, this Friday or Saturday, 7:30 pm.

Happy 18th of November, Everyone!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today I am eighteen years old.
I don't know what that means yet.    I certainly don't feel 18.
I still feel like a kid.
I always imagined I would act more mature.  feel more mature.
    Ah well...

This birthday was better than last year.  I had to work at Allen's last year.
I decided birthdays are lame anymore.
But this year I went with my family to a home canning seminar and then to dinner at Wingers.  There was some other stuff too, all good.  My birthday was all good.

Thank you mother.  Whether it sounds goofy or not,  thank you for being my mother.  To list everything you have done for me would be impossible.
Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, November 10, 2008

a letter to my good friend

Miss B,
You marry who you date.

This is true, though it doesn't mean that by going on a single date with a person you will marry that type of person.  What it means is that by steady dating a person or by continuously dating a certain type of person you become accustomed to what they believe and comfortable with how they do things.  So the phrase should be "You marry the kind of person that you date."

Now, to marry a "flaming liberal" may be fine and dandy for certain apathetic people.  But quite obviously you should marry someone with whom you share common values, standards, and interests.

The idea that you should teach your children both sides of an issue and let them choose for themselves seems a little misguided.  While this may hold true with certain topics, like whether to attend college, or to vote for one candidate or another, or to immunize their children, it does not hold true with other issues.  Issues like tolerance for gays and gay marriage require you as a parent to teach your children right from wrong.  

Subjects like this are a lot more black and white than the world would have you believe. Homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of the Lord, plain and simple.  Satan wants you to think that free agency gives people the freedom to do those things.  He wants you to think that denying these "rights" is unconstitutional.  Satan is a master of mimicry; he takes what God creates and distorts it, but he only changes things a little bit.  He creates a grey area in order to confuse you and capture you.

There is a blessing and a curse upon this land, America.  God has created a country like no other with the most perfect government on earth.  The drafting of the Constitution was a work guided by His hand.  But over the years we have become more and more tolerant of sin and Satan has twisted the Constitution to his own purposes.  Our Constitution does not work without Christian values; neither do any of our governmental systems.  We cannot hope for continued freedom unless we teach our children to keep the commandments of God.  We cannot teach our children to keep God's commandments if husband and wife are not united in thought.

All of this talk still leaves the question unanswered.  Should you date people with differing political values?  The answer depends upon how much weight you put on certain issues.  Let's say that a particular candidate is for abortion, but at the same time the candidate is against increased federal regulation and loss of civil liberties.  One has to decide which is more important, stopping abortion or stopping Isaiah's "King of Assyria"?  Unfortunately such a candidate is fictional.  In the recent election both candidates seemed different but in reality the outcome is the same.  Obama will continue to erode civil liberties in the name of "Homeland Security", he won't be able to pull out of Iraq, and he will accelerate the socializing of our economy in order to stabilize it.  McCain will continue to erode civil liberties in the name of "Homeland Security", he will put more troops in Iraq, and he will steadily socialize our economy in order to stabilize it.  So maybe you should refrain from dating those who voted for either candidate.  I personally hope to find someone who thinks outside the bubble, someone who isn't blinded by the bright lights of mainstream media.

I could continue rambling, but I'm basically saying "Date who you want to marry."  You want to marry someone who agrees with you.  He wants a big family.  He wants to take care of you.  He exercises his priesthood in righteousness.  He is intelligent.  He is hardworking.  He is against such things as abortion and gay marriage.  He is against such things as the erosion of traditional liberties.  He is aware of the world around him and speaks up for the things he believes in.  He teaches your children the ways and commandments of God.  He teaches your sons to become men of their own.  He treats your daughters like ladies.  He likes the things you do.  He likes your sketches.  He likes to share good books with you.  He is amazed by the quilt you made.  He enjoys going on walks and hikes with you.  He loves the dinners you cook.  He wants to travel to different places with you and find cool little shops.  Etc., etc., etc.  

Miss B, I don't need to write your list, you already have one, and somewhere is a man who matches it.

I've done my best to express my opinion toward your question and I hope it will suffice.  I also hope that you take everything with a grain of salt.  Search and form your own opinion with the help of prayer and scripture study.  And remember, we only have seventeen years of experience in this world, our parents have a lot more.  Most of the time we get to the end of things and realize that they were right after all...

Your friend,
Big Bop

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

yep. pretty much.

It really isn't fair for girls to be as pretty as they are...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Phew!  I promised myself I wouldn't post on here until I had written something for NaNoWriMo.  I lack a main character, side characters, a location, and most importantly a plot.  But I have been signed up for this thing three years in a row now and still never done it.  So, despite my lack of direction and ideas, despite my mental editor, I will slap 50,000 words onto the page!

But I won't lie.  I'm bloody intimidated!

Sometimes I feel like my life should be a novel.  There are some things so strange you would swear they are from a book and have some deep symbolism.  
Take Mike and Phyllis of Yummies for example:  They are a crotchety old couple that never show any signs of affection for one another.  Their life is the custard shop.  They are always talking about custard.  They are always thinking about custard.  Except when they are thinking about Wisconsin.  They are obsessed with Wisconsin.  "In Wisconsin they did it this way." or "In Wisconsin it would be like this."
Or sometimes I feel like my car in the driveway is like a symbol in a book.  I am the main character and my car is a symbol for how life has beaten me.  I have a beautiful car, yet I ride a bicycle.  I am powerless to accept the opportunities life presents me with.
Or at least that is how you would interpret it, if it were a symbol in a book.
My friends each have a personality so unique and exciting that it simply must be fiction.  My extended family is ridiculous in so many ways that it simply can't be real.  If someone could arrange all the elements correctly, my life would make a pretty good read.

...Golding meets Steinbeck meets Spinelli.  Whoa...