Monday, November 24, 2008

midnight bulletin

Two things tonight:

First:  You ought to check out the blog of Rex Vallis now and again.  I have a high respect for his opinions and views on various subjects, and he is one of the most well-read men I know.

Second:  Today I asked Sarah Lynne on a date.  I should have asked her a long time ago --years ago, actually.  But I'm a loser and I didn't until today.  
But I'm actually very excited to take her on a date!  I don't know what we are doing yet (Li'l Bop and some other guys have planned that), but it doesn't matter because I'm sure it will be all be fun.

...okay, a Third:  Last year during Choir Dinner a little bird flew to me and Li'l Bop and told us, "Ever since your ninth grade year we knew that you two would be the M.C.'s for Choir Dinner as seniors!"
Well, a year has past and Choir Dinner is fast approaching.  We are finally able to tell people that we will be narrating the event.  We are both excited and stressed for time.
Now you have to realize, the Bop Brothers are professionals.  They know exactly what they are doing.  Even when the Bops are winging it they do the job right.
Crockett, however, has some goofy ideas about how we should run the show.  She has given us an awful script and a deranged order of songs.  She fails to realize that the Bops are professionals.  We will be doing things our way, and she will actually enjoy it.

Needless to say, we are rewriting the script.


A said...

ambiguity is lame. Who is the girl you asked on a date?

Breanna said...

Haha...are you going to force her to enjoy it? I'm not liking the fabulous practices after school.

You're killing me! You can't write about girls and then not tell us who it is. No fun! It's against all the rules.

Logan Thomas said...

Fine! Are you happy now!

sheesh! girls...

Rex Vallis said...

Thanks for the plug, dude.

I miss the days of choir. Guess I'll just have to settle for my barbershop quartet once a month.

Logan Thomas said...

I didn't know you did choir! I also didn't know you were in a barbershop quartet, that it so cool.

Speaking of choir.. I would like it if you could attend our choir dinner. It is on the 5th and 6th of December. The choirs put on a really great show and serve a formal dinner to the audience. I'll give you a call with more information.