Saturday, November 1, 2008


Phew!  I promised myself I wouldn't post on here until I had written something for NaNoWriMo.  I lack a main character, side characters, a location, and most importantly a plot.  But I have been signed up for this thing three years in a row now and still never done it.  So, despite my lack of direction and ideas, despite my mental editor, I will slap 50,000 words onto the page!

But I won't lie.  I'm bloody intimidated!

Sometimes I feel like my life should be a novel.  There are some things so strange you would swear they are from a book and have some deep symbolism.  
Take Mike and Phyllis of Yummies for example:  They are a crotchety old couple that never show any signs of affection for one another.  Their life is the custard shop.  They are always talking about custard.  They are always thinking about custard.  Except when they are thinking about Wisconsin.  They are obsessed with Wisconsin.  "In Wisconsin they did it this way." or "In Wisconsin it would be like this."
Or sometimes I feel like my car in the driveway is like a symbol in a book.  I am the main character and my car is a symbol for how life has beaten me.  I have a beautiful car, yet I ride a bicycle.  I am powerless to accept the opportunities life presents me with.
Or at least that is how you would interpret it, if it were a symbol in a book.
My friends each have a personality so unique and exciting that it simply must be fiction.  My extended family is ridiculous in so many ways that it simply can't be real.  If someone could arrange all the elements correctly, my life would make a pretty good read.

...Golding meets Steinbeck meets Spinelli.  Whoa...

1 comment:

Saralyn said...

Reminds me of Mark Twain:
"Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense."

And Jack Johnson:
"I've got a symbol in my driveway."

All you need to do if you're lacking all of those things is write something absurdist.. I would assume. Think "Waiting for Godot." :) Granted there are three whole characters in "Waiting for Godot".. I think.. but one of them doesn't ever show up, so that has to count for something, right?