Saturday, October 18, 2008

One of those friends

Okay, I promise I wasn't slackin' off on posting.  I've been trying to get on to write something but it's just been so crazy-busy this past week that I couldn't afford the time.  So, even though it is 1 o' clock in the morning and I'm freaking exhausted, I'm forcing myself to post.  And to make it a good one.

Have you ever had one of those friends that you can talk about anything with?  I mean anything.  You can have the deepest conversations about 'why are we here' or 'where are we going'.  You can have heated debates about major world issues or best pizza toppings.  You can laugh at ridiculous people or laugh at your ridiculous selves.  You can go for hours delving into the hidden meanings of a literary work or you can make up crazy ditties from Dr. Suess books.
You know the kind of friend I'm talking about.  Be they girl or boy, young or old.  You can say anything you want when your with that person.  They won't look at you funny for it, or think less of you for it, because they understand.
You have too much dirt on them just like they have too much dirt on you.

Have you ever lost one of those friends?  Just like that, lost them.
One day it occurs to you that you things aren't the same between the both of you anymore.  And maybe sometimes you don't care.  Maybe you think, 'Well, such is life.  Things change and you move on.'  But maybe other times you can't quite figure out what went wrong.  You want to fix it.  Really bad, you want to fix it.  But you don't know what went wrong.
So you have to force yourself to think, 'Well, such is life.  Things change and you move on.'

And I'm not talking about marriage here, so all y'all with spouses can just hush yer melons!  I can almost hear you right now saying 'Why yes, I had one of those friends, she became my wife.'  Well, way to go!  Bonus points for you!

I s'pose losing one of those friends doesn't happen to adults much...


Breanna said...

It's sad when that happens. Fix it. I have a question for you tomorrow at school.

A said...

This makes me so supremely sad.

and yeah, I understand.


Kimberly said...

That's right, show no sympathy for the married people! Yeah, Log, that sucks how someone can be such an indispensable part of your daily life for a semester or a year and then you can just go your separate ways.

Jessica Grosland said...

I'm reading this months and months after you've posted it, so you'll probably never read my comment, but what the heck.

I know exactly what you're talking about. EXACTLY.

...there is no worse feeling in the world. I'm almost positive. And no matter how much you want to change things, you have an inate fear that the other person doesn't care anymore, so what's the point?

I hope things worked out for you, because not getting something like that fixed can mess you up for a VERY long time.

Trust me.

Logan Thomas said...

No, I have it set so that I have to read every comment before it is posted. It's really nice.

um, I'm sorry. Life is retarded.

Actually no!
I'm retarded. I'll try to do better StreetMouse.