Thursday, October 9, 2008

[insert creative title here]

So my mother's cousin gave us this huge load of firewood, right?  Well my mother bought an axe so that we can split it up.  Unfortunately, she decided that because this axe is hers she is going to be the first one to use it.  She hasn't yet.  Sometimes I get home from a lame day at school and I want to go out and vent, but I can't because it's her axe.

-That Faraway Place-
There is a place far away
and it is beautiful.
The sun rests there, just so, and laughs a little
and the gold from it cascades
to the meadow below
where grows the softest grass,
rising and falling.
And the brook that runs through it is lively
it burbles and chatters
sometimes rushing and tripping over stones
and other times it catches in pools
where it sleeps under the warm sun,
in perfect contentment.
Through the whispering trees flit songbirds.
They are a pretty little chorus
and now and again one voice will lift above the others
in an exultant and joyous melody
now sailing high in the air
now moving to such a sorrowful tune,
low and lilting.
It is all beautiful.
And alone in that place you can be happy
In that faraway place.

Now I'm going to go and bug my mother about that axe....


A said...

If I could write HALF as beautifully as you.


I'm in love with your poems.
I'm going to you to write me something someday. be prepared.

A said...

I just read it...again.
For REALS Logan!
You are...amazing.


...expect a third comment when I come back to read it again tomorrow...

Haley said...

No really.
What else are you hiding?

That was beautiful. I love your description, and the words flow so lovely. I found myself looking up every other word from your other posts just to be able to keep up, but this one is a language I speak and understand.

Thank you for sharing your talents. Gorgeous! :)

Rex Vallis said...

Just use the bloody axe!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahem. I dare ya.