Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jus' talkin' t'mahself...

Two things:
1) I talk like a durn cricker.
2) I have a fairly negative vocabulary.

The cricker thing I'm not so worried about.  It is part of who I am.  And it is a little bit fun to talk like a hick sometimes, even if I sound unintelligent.

The negative vocabulary though...
I curse.  A lot.  and I'm not only talking about horrible cuss words, I'm also talking about little things like suck and friggin', etc.  I suppose small ones like that never bothered me before, but lately I cringe a little every time I let one slip.
I need to stop.  But it is very difficult because, like cricker-talk, it has become part of who I am.  A bad part of who I am.  So if I'm ever with you and I say something that offends your ears, go ahead and slug me, will ya?  Honestly.


A said...

a.) I like your hick voice. tis' humorous.
b.) we'll start a club. We'll call it the flinchers-while-cussing club, Or, more accurately the "*#@$, I just let one slip" club. Whichever you prefer.

Breanna said...

Hehe...a club eh?

Deciding you want to change your habit is very impressive. I will definitely try to help you out by slugging you every time I see you. Even when you're not saying anything bad, I'll just give you a friendly reminder. ;)

Haley said...

Way to go!! Darn it, I'm proud of you! (In a non-creepy way, right? :)