Saturday, February 21, 2009

symphonic cacophony.. er something like that....

I wish there were a song for how I feel right now.
It would have a lot of humming. and bagpipes. and spoons. and banjo. and cello. and trumpet.
Needless to say it is a very interesting song.  It's part happiness, part confusion, part worry, part contentment, part excitement, part dread, and part reckless abandon.

                [insert contented smile here]

And I really love country dancing!  Sometimes I forget just how much I love it.  I'm also really bad at it.  My repertoire includes...maybe five or six moves?  They teach me things and I learn them. and then I promptly forget them and revert to those same moves.  I need to go more often because a) it's a blast b) I'm an awful dancer and c) it's a great cheap date.

And guess what!  I was accepted to Utah State University!  Woot!  That means I'm an Aggie now... hehe.  In reality though, I'm not as excited as I should be.  Perhaps if I had a clue about where I were headed and how I'm going to get there then I would be a little happier.  As it is, I'm worrying about a mission; How will I pay for it?  How will I get myself in the correct frame of mind for it?  How will I pay for it? and, How will I pay for it?

They are calling it a Depression now.  As if we ever expected it to be anything less.  I find it a little funny that in European history classes you read about dozens countries that tried in vain to save their financial and economic systems by printing off more money.  Again and again you watch fiat money systems collapse.  Even recently, in places like Bolivia where my dad served his mission there was price inflation of 15,000 %!  Paper money systems always fail. Always.  Especially if you decide to print billions upon billions of paper notes!

I also find it a little funny that almost every economist agrees that pumping money into the system is the wrong solution.  They advocate letting the economy run its course and correct itself.  So why is our government pushing so hard for bail-outs?...

I also find it a little funny that people think free-market capitalism is what got us into this mess.  Our economy is very far from free-market, almost every aspect of it is regulated, protected, or controlled in some way.  I like Rex Vallis's "spinning top" analogy.

So yeah..
  • my personal soundtrack.
  • my love for country swing.
  • my college acceptance.
  • my mission anxiety.
  • my views on the Depression of 2009-ish.
(But just watch, they won't actually say the word "Depression" for a long time.  They'll come up with some sort of euphemism for it.)


Luis Portugal said...

It has a nice blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from my country, Portugal

Krystal said...

So does that mean that you are coming up to USU in the fall?