Friday, February 13, 2009


All week I have had an awful, anxious feeling.
As though I were forgetting something really important.
A stressed feeling, like the kind you get when you know something horrible is coming, something you dread.
A gut-clenching feeling.
Looking over my shoulder to see if I would find what I couldn't remember.

It's been driving me crazy.  I can't think straight.  My thoughts jump from box to box.  I'll be doing the dishes and suddenly realize I don't know whether I am loading or unloading the dishwasher.  When I try to speak I simply lose track of where I was going.

What on earth is making me so nervous?


Jessica Grosland said...

That's kinda freaky, because I've been having the exact same feeling. Even when things were going really well, I felt like something bad was right around the corner.

If we're both predicting some crazy disaster, I call freaking out first.

Rex Vallis said...

It's the aliens - they're coming.

Eric Evans said...

I wish I could help you man. But I have been having the same thing for the last while. Its like something is not quite right and I need to be doing something about it but because I can't put a finger on it it just makes me nervous and anxious...Sorry mate I understand.

A said...

Now I'm sorry I called you crazy Friday night....

but only because you really might be. baha.

Just kidding.

If I'm noticing a trend amongst the senior commenters...
maybe it's a side-effect of Senioritis.
I bet that's it.

of course, Rex could always be right.
or you might be allergic to snow.
or you might be dealing too much on the black market. Seriously, would you cool it? You KNOW the Mob is always watching. Your subconscious is warning you that you are one dirty sale away from a whack from a hitman.

Jessica Grosland said...

Logan, Eric, and I are ALL having crazy premonitions of approaching disaster? Does anyone else find that entirely creepy?

Logan Thomas said...

um, Alecia, that might be the case if it weren't for the fact that I *am* the hitman...

But y'all have the same feeling too? Senioritis maybe, but I don't think so. It feels too.. different to be be induced by lack of motivation.

Jessica Grosland said...

I agree. Senioritis is a lot more enjoyable, because it's self-indulgent. This feels like a natural disaster or the death of a loved one. And it's very creepy.