Monday, February 14, 2011

A Utah State Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. I really do. It's probably one of my favorite holidays. Don't ask me why, because I'm not really sure. Maybe it's because I like the idea of doing something special for that special someone, even if I don't have a special someone. Maybe it's because I have fond memories of elementary school days --giving treats and cards to all your classmates and competing for the coolest valentine 'mailbox'. Or maybe it's because I like seeing everybody dressed in pink.

That being said, Valentine's Day is officially much lamer in college than in elementary school.

I was pretty excited today because this is the first year I have a pink shirt for Valentine's Day. But walking to the bus stop I saw nobody in pink. Riding the bus I saw nobody in pink. Walking to class I saw nobody in pink. In fact, through the whole day I probably only saw half a dozen people dressed for Valentine's Day.

It made me sad.

Apparently nobody wants to celebrate Valentine's Day if they don't have someone to celebrate it with. Single Awareness Day (SAD) seems to rule the 14th of February nowadays. I understand how Valentine's Day can show your lack of companionship into sharp relief, but I really hate the way people have turned it into the opposite of what it should be. It should be a carefree day of treats and innocent valentine cards between friends, not a day of bemoaning ones relationship status.

BUT! Today was still pretty good.

Above is a photo of couples participating in the iPod Kiss-Off. At this point they'd been going an hour and a half.

And below is a poor picture of me in Logan. in my bedroom. with my pink shirt on.
I still love Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

Me and Erin were discussing that, actually! I miss making mail boxes and such. I remember how sincerely disappointed I was when I realized that middle school meant no more typical classroom Valentines exchange...

Jessica Grosland said...

Gasp! You would never find a kiss-off here at the LORD'S university. (Or is it Jimmer's university? I can never remember.)

I wore red for Valentine's Day, and found it much celebrated in each of my classes as people announced engagements and showed off bouquets and fluffy frogs with hearts. (What is romantic about a frog?) I'm glad to know that even if you're surrounded by SAD people, you're still celebrating. Who needs other people in order to have a party?

The Erin said...

Beth and I celebrated! We celebrated in her basement with video games, but we still did! I didn't know the pink thing was like... a thing, though... I'm wearing pink today if that helps.

Krystal said...

For the record: I wore a pink shirt. And red socks. On purpose. And I made pink cupcakes, and gave them to people, and it was a beautiful thing :)

Kimberly said...

Nice post brother.

Logan Thomas said...

You are all awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only one celebrating Valentine's Day anymore.

And Jessica, that was my exact thought when I saw the kiss-off! (minus the Jimmer part haha!)

Anonymous said...

a.) Um, what?? Kimberly commented on your blog??

b.) I will still make you cookies. Like in elementary school. And you can wear your pink shirt.