Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Glorious Snow!

Okay, quick blog post-

One of the things I love about being clear up north in Logan is that it is actually cold and snowy in wintertime. And because it's cold and snowy everyone grows accustomed to it and actually makes good use of it as can be seen below:

exhibit (a): A young man is seen sculpting a fantastical reptilian creature of snow on the Quad.

exhibit (b): A detail view of the snow sculpture.

exhibit (c): A ______ stands near the entrance to the library.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Utah State Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. I really do. It's probably one of my favorite holidays. Don't ask me why, because I'm not really sure. Maybe it's because I like the idea of doing something special for that special someone, even if I don't have a special someone. Maybe it's because I have fond memories of elementary school days --giving treats and cards to all your classmates and competing for the coolest valentine 'mailbox'. Or maybe it's because I like seeing everybody dressed in pink.

That being said, Valentine's Day is officially much lamer in college than in elementary school.

I was pretty excited today because this is the first year I have a pink shirt for Valentine's Day. But walking to the bus stop I saw nobody in pink. Riding the bus I saw nobody in pink. Walking to class I saw nobody in pink. In fact, through the whole day I probably only saw half a dozen people dressed for Valentine's Day.

It made me sad.

Apparently nobody wants to celebrate Valentine's Day if they don't have someone to celebrate it with. Single Awareness Day (SAD) seems to rule the 14th of February nowadays. I understand how Valentine's Day can show your lack of companionship into sharp relief, but I really hate the way people have turned it into the opposite of what it should be. It should be a carefree day of treats and innocent valentine cards between friends, not a day of bemoaning ones relationship status.

BUT! Today was still pretty good.

Above is a photo of couples participating in the iPod Kiss-Off. At this point they'd been going an hour and a half.

And below is a poor picture of me in Logan. in my bedroom. with my pink shirt on.
I still love Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Bought GameCube on KSL to surprise little brothers.

Doesn't work.


Guess what! I won the Spelling Bee yesterday!
Okay, actually I didn't win. I came in second. BUT, in the final round it was just me and this other guy duking it out, right? Well, we were getting some pretty tricky words until he gets up and what word does he get?


REALLY?! Are you kidding me?! That's the final-round Spelling Bee word?! Who doesn't know how to spell 'calculus'? Even if you didn't know how to spell 'calculus' you'd know it was Latin and be able to guess your way through it.

Well then I get up, and what word do they give me?


What is that word? I've never seen that word anywhere in my life. No one has ever seen that word before. I can't even google it for a definition. As far as I can tell, it's not actually a word in the English language. or any language. I spelled it with an "o" instead of an "a".

Then the other guy got up to spell "semanticize". Easy, right?

So technically he got first place and I came in second. But the second place prize was this beauty:
No, not the dazzling smile, the camera! Second place prize was that sweet camera and first place was one of the new iPod Nano's. So pretty much my prize was better and I won it fair and square (calculus. srsly?).

And now I have an awesome camera, which is cool because I didn't have a camera of my own.

Also, last night I tried out to be in the General Conference Choir. I'm pretty sure I got in. woot! I never realized how much I miss singing in a choir until I came up here and went to a few chamber practices with my roommate. I'm pretty excited!

Also, also, I'm going home today.

To steal Eric's saying: Life is good.

P.S. Alecia, how do you spell physician?