Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alright, so here's the truth

Well actually, where to start?
I've gone and found myself in a pickle. Which, might I add, doesn't actually need to exist! Leave it to the people with long hair to make problems where there shouldn't be any....

The title I wanted to give this post is "BLOODY HELL!" But I decided those probably aren't nice words to say.

So the truth is, I prefer to keep my trap shut. It seems every time I go telling people how I really feel, what I actually think, it ends up turning into a big fiasco. One of my favorite proverbs is "The best way to keep a secret is to first keep it yourself" because everyone has a confidant.

But I guess if you keep me up late enough I start babbling like a drunken idiot. I'll tell you anything you want.

(Though normally that's something I like about the night time. Things seem clearer. People are more open. Talking comes easier.)

But most of the time I prefer to keep my trap shut.
"You lie by omission"

I'm up too late.

Lame, this all sounds like some sort of Jr. High drama.. I just mind my own business. I'm not going to get caught up in silliness. It's never ending, it seems some people can't live without it. But I don't care, just frustrated, that's all.


Anonymous said...

AUGH, what did I doooo?! :(

A said...

you should probably email/call/write.
you don't even need to tell me what happened here, I just figure you should probably talk about something - anything - whether it be whatever the heck happened.
If it's girls though, I think I can guess the trouble.
Oh dear.
Yeah, you should contact me soon.

Saralyn said...

You're right, Samson caused all sorts of problems.

But, I'm sorry. I hate it when I can't say what I think because I know that it'll be entirely misunderstood or used against me later.

This too shall pass, eventually.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Nvm. :) Disregard my first comment. I was frightened for a minute...

And good luck Logan. :( Everything is always so messy...