Monday, May 4, 2009

i dunno....

Do you think you'll know when you're going to die?  Do you think you'll know at least on an unconscious level?  I remember when Neal passed away his mother said it was almost as if he knew.  He started coming home at lunchtime, just to spend time with his family.  He was exceptionally eager to help his mother out, just 'cause.  
I wonder why..

I wonder why..
he died...
It really seems so bloody unfair.  Why should a young guy like that have to go and die?  He's got so many things going for him.  He was about to leave on a mission.  He was about to go off to college.  He was about to find a wife.  He was about to start a family.  He was finally reaching the age that allowed him to have deeper relationship with his parents, his sisters, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins.  He was only barely entered into manhood.
So why the hell should a young guy like that have to go and die?
What about that wife he never met?
What about those kids he'll never have?

Yeah, yeah.  Go ahead and give me warm-fuzzies.  Tell me, "He was called to serve a mission in Heaven" or, "He'll have those opportunities someday".

Go ahead and tell me, "We just don't understand the mysteries of God, Logan".

But you know what?
Sometimes I just don't bloody understand the mysteries of God!

i dunno...
it just seems sorta lame sometimes.


Jessica Grosland said...

I don't think anyone could have said it any better. I get sick of people who try to give you the warm fuzzies when things don't make sense. God can be awfully confusing sometimes, and when He is, let me work it out with Him, don't try to solve it for me.

I dunno. Sometimes the "mysteries of God" really get to me and I can't stand it. Like what the heck is supposed to happen when my dad dies? He was married in the temple, and he hasn't been excommunicated, so I'm still sealed to him. But he's an apostate! So he's not really a member any more. He doesn't have the priesthood, hasn't lived up to his covenants. So how are we supposed to be a family forever?!


It's really frustrating.

Diana Renae said...


yeah it does.

Steph-a-Neph said...

Hey Logan. I JUST found your blog...Cause I'm lame like that.
At any rate, I was reading through it to see what's been up in the life of amazing Logan, and this post made me sad. I don't understand it either, Logan. Life isn't fair.
A thought struck me though...So, we don't understand the mysteries of God. Check. But! Are we supposed to? Maybe this is where we have to use our blind faith and trust that the Lord will eventually let everything work out?
I dunno.
I DO know that Niel was a great kid. And I know that for those people that knew him, there is something to be learned from this experience. I guess it's just up to us to decide what that lesson is.
I hope that your life is going well and that you (and others) have been able to come to terms with what happened to Niel. After all, the Lord wouldn't want us to dwell on the things we can't have...Count your blessings, right?
P.S. If this was too "warm fuzzies" for you, I apologize. I just wanted to put it out there that I understand what you're going through, and that you're not alone. That's all. :)