Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mexican Hat!

"Choose a template and a title" says the screen.  So I did.  Voila! a blog!

Now I can waste more time on the computer than ever before!  Although, I'm not sure what I want to do with this thing just yet...

The title up there? It's from a Gaelic Storm song.  Long ago the First Ward Mafia decided it was my theme song because I have a talent for staying up late into the night.

Sleep. I should do that sometimes.  But I don't.  

There's just something different about the night.  The rest of the world has gone to bed.  
You feel as though it's all yours.
The Earth. The sky. The Grass and the Mountains.
All is good and simple under the vast expanse of stars.
It doesn't matter if the day isn't right
because there in your own world none of it matters.
It's yours.
Everything is going to work out just fine.

Ironically though, I find the dawn even more spectacular..


A said...

YES. exactly.
Its nice when the night belongs to you.
like, it goes soft around the edges. Everything bad is kind of...okay?
Is that right?

Logan Thomas said...

That is it precisely!
I love that you always seem to know exactly what I'm trying to say!