But then reality came flooding back in..
This class is
a waste.
Not only is the curriculum far, far, far below a high-school level, but the teacher is far, far, far below healthy brain capacity. She is a zoobie through and through, which means she forgot a long time ago how to think for herself. She has handed her mind over to anyone who wants to indoctrinate it. And as such, it is impossible to hold an intelligent argument with her. You can make as many valid points as you like but she merely brushes them aside and says, "Hmm, maybe. But the book says..."
Unfortunately, she is the standard in our education system. She teaches us the exact same things which were taught to her years earlier. She regurgitates key phrases like "checks and balances" "We the People" "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
And do we learn anything from that? No, of course not. It merely makes us one more product of the education system. Then we can grow up and regurgitate the same things to the next generation.
So basically I hate that the system perpetuates itself. People become apathetically programmable and will believe anything they are taught. They never question whether the newspapers are actually reporting fact or whether they're unbiased, they never question whether they should really vaccinate their child, they never question whether police actually have the interest of the people in mind. They merely accept what is being fed to them. I can't stand people who won't think for themselves, people who won't seek out alternatives to the mind-numbing regurgitation of media and mass education!
Gah! Sorry for the rant....
I'm dropping that class and teaching myself.
edit: Krystal pointed out to me that I make it sound as if I'm criminalizing everyone who vaccinates their child or trusts in the police system. I'm not. I merely wish that people would learn about topics well enough that they can arrive at their own well-educated conclusion.